w00 obscurtity

We got through a few more movies...
Prey for Rock and Roll...not nearly as cool as I thought it would be
Funny Games...one of the best fucking movies I have ever seen. Trust me, it is hilarious.
The Tattooist...just a good as I thought/hoped it would be
Scotland, PA...it was pretty good, not on my top list, but still good none the less.

In other news...nothing! How about that? Last night's Criminal Minds was a repeat. Fringe on Tuesday was pretty much epic, I expect nothing less. I missed Scrubs and most of Better of Ted. I watched last week's Lost because I taped it. I'm going to watch last night's tonight. I have to get back into the loop.

Tomorrow is the Day of Silence. Want to know more about it? go to www.dayofsilence.org

see ya loves,


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